Emissions Neutral Buildings: Technical Study

Author/Contributor: Integral Group/City of Edmonton

Alberta Context: This study uses actual new building design inputs from Edmonton at the time it was published with industry input.


This report was developed to provide an energy, emissions, and cost overview of the City of Edmonton’s Emissions Neutral Buildings Technical Study. 

The five building archetypes assessed in this study include: 

  • Detached single family home
  • Row housing
  • High-rise residential
  • High-rise commercial (office)
  • Low-rise commercial (retail)

It should be noted that the Emissions Neutral Buildings (ENB) scenario represents a fully electrified building but may not be 100% “emissions neutral”. This is due to the fact that high-rise buildings do not have enough space on-site to meet its annual energy demand when utilizing solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, and Alberta’s electric grid having a high emissions factor (as of 2019). While Alberta’s grid is continually becoming cleaner, it is challenging to forecast when it will have an emissions factor approaching zero. 

The baseline energy tier is based on the current energy code applicable within the province of Alberta (as of 2019), the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings 2017, and National Building Code, Alberta Edition [NBC(AE)] Section 9.36, which is based on NBC Section 9.36. 

Read the full report here.

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